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Churchfront Worship and Tech Podcast

Oct 28, 2019

In this episode, Jake and I might catch some of you off guard totally caught in the day to day tasks forgetting that the season of Advent and Christmas Eve services are right around the corner. 

We've listed a few resources below for you to get the most out of your planning and have listed a few of our favorite spots...

Oct 25, 2019

In this episode, Jake chats with Dave Miller who serves with Slingshot as well as Leadership Pathway. 
Dave and Jake talk all about internships. Leadership pathway specializes in coaching churches on how to lead great internship experiences and partners the right candidates with the appropriate church. 

Oct 22, 2019

In this episode, Jake and Luke sit down and Jake walks us through the setup and execution for sermon capture (both audio and video) at Mission Lakewood. 

Many listeners want to know how to capture the video and audio for podcasts, youtube channels, and posting your sermons or services to your website. 

This is not an in...

Oct 19, 2019

In this episode, Jake has a conversation with Jonathan Malm.

You may know Jonathan from sites like

or some of his books, one of his most recent being The Come Back Effect.

We chat with Jonathan about worship leaders and the crucial part they play in hospitality on a Sunday...

Oct 14, 2019

In this episode of the Roundtable, Jake and I chat through the biggest roadblock that is prolonging your growth and your ministry's growth

and that is:


We chat through some of the high level ways that getting comfortable and not being able to get uncomfortable in your leadership can be the biggest roadblock to...