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Churchfront Worship and Tech Podcast

Nov 30, 2020

Luke Jackson shares his experiences and advice on inheriting a worship team - how to respond to feedback, how to develop a process and philosophy and connect with your team, as well as some great practical tips on how to carry this out.

Book Recommendation: Start With Why

For resources and one on...

Nov 23, 2020

Luke has a conversation with one of the Worship Ministry Students, who shares her experience and success with the program. Jana was able to upgrade to a digital soundboard, and begin streaming successfully. Not only did she learn more about technology but she was also able to equip her team better, plan services,...

Nov 16, 2020

Adam sits down with Frank Schabell, a lighting and technical director talk about the importance of putting God at the center of our work and being in community with other technical artists with the goal of not just advancing their own church, but being a part of the global church.


Nov 9, 2020

Jake sits down and walks through 5 steps you can take to make your live stream experience look and sound better. Want to dive deeper and get access to our courses and coaching calls? go to

Nov 2, 2020

Listen in on a coaching call between a Worship Ministry Student and coach / instructor / Churchfront creator, Jake. They talk about where they are at with live streaming, where they want to go in the future.

We do our best to create courses and content that show you our best suggestions on how to live stream, but every...